
Based on the concept of “manufacturing”, we have contributed in the field of civil engineering to the development of concrete, the main construction material, while constantly creating spaces where people can live safely and with peace of mind. While keeping an eye on innovations in concrete materials and construction technology, we are pursuing the ideal form of concrete structures that will lead to the future. Recently, we are conducting innovative research and development toward characterizing construction materials, diagnostic technology for structures, and carbon neutrality.

emeconcretehokudai (at mark)

Laboratory history

The laboratory can trace its origins back to 1928 and the early years of the Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University. Since then, the name of the laboratory changed from “Concrete Engineering” to “High-performance Concrete Engineering,” and “Environmental Material Engineering.” We have produced many engineers and researchers who are active both domestically and internationally, and have been involved in the development of pioneering technologies. It has also played a major role in the construction and maintenance of civil engineering structures, especially in harsh weather conditions such as in Hokkaido.

本研究室の源流は、昭和3年(1928年)における「混擬土工学講座」に見られるように、 工学部の創設時代にまで遡ります。これまでに研究室の名称は「コンクリート工学」から「高性能コンクリート工学」へと変わり、平成17年度から現在の「環境機能マテリアル工学」になりました。これまで、国内外で活躍する多くの技術者や研究者を輩出するとともに、先駆的な研究開発に取り組み、過酷な気象条件における土木構造物の建設や維持管理に大きな役割を果たしてきました。


Based on the concept of “manufacturing”, we have contributed in the field of civil engineering to the development of concrete, the main construction material, while constantly creating spaces where people can live safely and with peace of mind. While keeping an eye on innovations in concrete materials and construction technology, we are pursuing the ideal form of concrete structures that will lead to the future. Recently, we are conducting innovative research and development toward characterizing construction materials, diagnostic technology for structures, and carbon neutrality.

emeconcretehokudai (at mark)

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Environmental Material Engineering Laboratory, Division of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University

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