

20th WCNDT (Incheon, South Korea)において、二件の発表を行いました。

Development of Environmental Monitoring Sensor for Steel Corrosion in Concrete based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Nithimethaporn N., Hashimoto K., Mitsuya H., Ashizawa H., Ishiguro T. and Yodsudjai W.

Impact-Echo for Crack Detection in Concrete with Artificial Intelligence based on Supervised Deep Learning
J. Pandum, K. Hashimoto, T. Sugiyama and W. Yodsudjai


ConCreep12 (Delft, Netherlands)において、一件の発表を行いました。

Influence of compressive stress and ultrasonic vibration frequency on fatigue damage of cementitious materials
K. Hashimoto



Environmental Material Engineering Laboratory, Division of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University

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